Sunday, 19 February 2012

The New Addition

Sadly the baby boy brushtail has moved on, i hope to start his own family as he did get rather big. I do worry alot about where they go, if they dont turn up one night etc. So i make a concious effort to make anytime i spend with them special as it could be the last time i see them.

But on the good side of things we have a new baby in the family. A new baby brushtail has finally emerged from the pouch of big mumma.

Clinging to mummy's back 

What a beautiful baby, such a little thing

Wants to go back into the pouch, the world is too big and scary.

This new addition is warmly welcomed into our family, name is pending, still need to find out if its a little boy or girl and then its depending on its personallity.
Im hoping this time its a little girl....i will have to wait and see

Possum Politics

Big daddy brushtail awoke the other night, mighty hungry but a bit shy, he will come up to the window as close as he can get and just stare at us until we get up, but as soon as we open the door he runs down the tree to its base and awaits a game of fetch the banana. He won this game as he does most nights.

Meanwhile.... The ringtails are buzzing about, they tend to get flustered when the big boy brushtail is around. But they still come for fruit with one eye on the banana and the other on the brushtail.

(Little baby boy ringtail)

Little Daddy is such a sweetie 

Balancing the feeding of the Ringtails and Brushtails can be tricky

Especially when they inhabit the same small space
Large claws and big teeth dont help either!!